If you read my post from Monday you read about the incident of my car getting broken into and the Gps getting stolen. This morning while getting ready to go rehab, a Det. called me from Durham Police Dept. and said they had located 4 Gps units that had been pawned. He asked me for some more information about the Gps and said he was going out to the pawn shops to gather info. from the alleged stolen Gps'. Later this afternoon while I was at the fitness center I received a call from the Det. again and he had located our Gps and wanted to know how he could get it delivered to me, since we were from out of town. That was nice because without a Gps we may have never found the police dept., lol! I told him I was at Duke's fitness center and he said he was less than ten minutes away and he would bring it to me. He was a very nice officer who shook my hand when we met and shook it again when he left. Thank You Det. B for a job well done! All I had to do was sign a piece of paper showing that I had claimed my stolen property and away he went. It was awesome that not only the Gps itself was recovered, but the windshield mount, and car charger was also with it. I asked the detective if they knew who did it and he said "oh yes, and they will be arrested". They broke my window and stole my Gps and pawned it for $25.00. The gps cost $150 and the window replacement was $240. I'm thankful we got the gps back, that saves us another 150, but to do all that damage, physically to my car, and mentally to my mind for $25 bucks? That's pitiful.
The replacement windshield came in and was installed. It looks great. Lets just hope no one else gets the bright idea to steal other people's property. If they do, they won't get anything valuable out of my car because anything of value will be inside my apt. with me or in my purse if I'm out and about.
Rehab went good today too. The weather was beautiful so it was a beautiful day. It also turned out to be a beautiful day to my mind. It's nice to have things turn out great!
Word to a thief in Durham: Better think twice cause the Durham PD will find you and the goods you stole!
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Monday, August 30, 2010
Keep Thinking Positive Thoughts
I haven't had anything really interesting to post lately. I've just been going through the motions, dr appts., rehab, grocery store, etc. same ole same ole. Well, this past Saturday me and hubby decided we were going to go to the movies Sunday afternoon (when there are less people in order to avoid a crowded theatre). Great Idea! I was looking forward to it. At 7:30 Sunday morning the front desk called, but I didn't answer. I checked the message when I got up about 9:00 that informed me I needed to contact the front desk. Turned out my car had gotten broken into early Sunday morning about 4am. They broke out the front passenger window and stole the Gps. They also rummaged through the glove box and the console, but didn't get anything else, thankfully. I've had an experience as a child with our car getting stolen and I'm very thankful they weren't interested in Grand Larceny. We weren't the only vehicle that was hit. There were three others in the appt. complex and one in the hotel right beside this place. They only took the Gps from each vehicle. It won't happen again! We bought another Gps and it will go inside when we go inside, whether it be at home, the mall, the grocery store, walmart, whereever! It won't be left in the car for sure. Luckily we are located close to an automotive shop that is going to have a replacement window tomorrow morning. About the movie, I wasn't in the mood after seeing my car violated and dealing with the police and filing a report. We ended up going to walmart for a gps and groceries, then hung out in the apt. the rest of the day. Bummer of a day, but it could be worse!
On another note, I enjoyed having dinner with my transplant family this evening. Three nights a week the apt. serves dinner and we all get together and have a great social. It's great having people to talk to that know what you are talking about and are going through. I also went today to see the doctor that is going to be doing my stomach wrap or Nissen Wrap. This is a surgery Duke is doing based on research that shows people with acid reflux could easily aspirate into their new lungs causing rejection. This surgery will prevent that from happening. I'm not looking forward to it, but I'm ready to get it over with. Surgery is scheduled for Friday. One more step on the road to getting back home!!!
On another note, I enjoyed having dinner with my transplant family this evening. Three nights a week the apt. serves dinner and we all get together and have a great social. It's great having people to talk to that know what you are talking about and are going through. I also went today to see the doctor that is going to be doing my stomach wrap or Nissen Wrap. This is a surgery Duke is doing based on research that shows people with acid reflux could easily aspirate into their new lungs causing rejection. This surgery will prevent that from happening. I'm not looking forward to it, but I'm ready to get it over with. Surgery is scheduled for Friday. One more step on the road to getting back home!!!
break in,
stomach wrap
Thursday, August 26, 2010
I Wanna Go Home

Tomorrow will be my 8th week post transplant. I'm doing great physically, but mentally I am missing home soooo bad. I know I'm on the downhill slide from here, but you know how you feel after being sick and you start to feel back to normal? I feel better than normal. I'm feeling good and am ready to get back to my life! I like Durham, but even if we were here on vacation I would have been ready to go home long before now, lol!
Another bummer to my phychie is the fact that I am still on IV's and two different nebulizer treatments. The fun part is that I get to wear a mask instead of the mouthpiece so I can inhale it through my nose, ha ha, not fun. My sinuses are where the "bugs" are now, but thank the Lord my lungs are clear. Got to keep the bugs out of the lungs!!! Must get rid of them!!The picture above shows me with my combat gear. I just had grand visions before tx that afterward I wouldn't have to worry with iv's and nebulizers every day! I know some people have to use them for a month or so after tx, but mine is going till October 1st. I know that for sure. The one phrase I repeat to myself when I get in this mood is, "I Can Breathe!" That is always the main concern.....Love To All
Monday, August 23, 2010
Dang! Didn't Want To Hear That
Today started out good until I met with the two dr.s I had appointments with. The infectious disease dr. discussed with me the 2 or 3 funguses and a virus I had right after tx and the plan from this point to keep them most of from coming back. As of now, I only have my usual pseudomonas in my sinuses, but I also have one fungus growing in my sinuses too. It's no big deal right now. My concern is when the dr. stops the meds they are giving me to keep the "bugs" away are they going to come back? One of the fungus is resistant to everything, but seems to respond to two of the meds I'm taking. This fungus I found out today can potentially be fatal. The dr. said she wants me to stay on all meds that I'm currently on until Oct. 1st., then we'll see about safely taking me off of them. Meaning because my immune system is nill, I am at my most vulnerable right now as far as catching things or things that were in my body that were dormant might decide to come alive again without the iv meds.
The appointment with the second dr. was my tx surgeon. He looked at my fluid pocket, but didn't do anything new that hasn't already been done. The flow of fluid seems to have FINALLY slowed down. He just repacked it and wants me to return in two weeks. Ugh! This means I'll have to wear the vacuum pump till then. Now I know what a "monkey on my back" feels like. Annoying!
I'm not going to get discouraged. I'm still blessed to be here. I am thankful everyday when I can get out of bed and not have to go to the nebulizer to take a broncho dialator and wear my Vest before I can even begin to function. I am thankful that I can walk and talk, walk two miles without having to stop to catch my breath, to not cough anymore, to shower and get dressed to go out without losing my breath. I am most thankful to God for guiding me in making the right decisions in my tx journey. I am thankful for many more little things, but I am truly grateful and thankful to the person that selflessly decided to donate their organs so that others may live. I will one day write a letter to the donor's family and hope to hear back from them someday.
As far as the little problems, I'm taking them a day at a time. My lungs are doing awesome still and that is the main priority. Love To All!
The appointment with the second dr. was my tx surgeon. He looked at my fluid pocket, but didn't do anything new that hasn't already been done. The flow of fluid seems to have FINALLY slowed down. He just repacked it and wants me to return in two weeks. Ugh! This means I'll have to wear the vacuum pump till then. Now I know what a "monkey on my back" feels like. Annoying!
I'm not going to get discouraged. I'm still blessed to be here. I am thankful everyday when I can get out of bed and not have to go to the nebulizer to take a broncho dialator and wear my Vest before I can even begin to function. I am thankful that I can walk and talk, walk two miles without having to stop to catch my breath, to not cough anymore, to shower and get dressed to go out without losing my breath. I am most thankful to God for guiding me in making the right decisions in my tx journey. I am thankful for many more little things, but I am truly grateful and thankful to the person that selflessly decided to donate their organs so that others may live. I will one day write a letter to the donor's family and hope to hear back from them someday.
As far as the little problems, I'm taking them a day at a time. My lungs are doing awesome still and that is the main priority. Love To All!
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Little Problems, Big Blessings
This week has been great! I have felt better than I have felt in YEARS! I may have never felt this good actually, lol. My rehab sessions are finally starting to show results. I have more energy and am stronger. It's about time. After tx, we have to finish 23 rehab sessions before we will be discharged. I have completed 15 of the 23. This is an awesome accomplishment because I'm over halfway there, except I won't get to go tomorrow because of a scheduled Bronch and Thorocentesis(sp). Monday I won't get to go to rehab because of two doctor appointments. Of course one of those appointments I'm looking forward to because I hope to find a solution to the fluid pocket that won't quit draining. Tuesday, no rehab, I have clinic which takes most all day. Wednesday, no rehab, I have a test to do that takes about four hours, which fringes into the rehab session. The four hour test consist of me eating eggs with a tiny bit of radioactive dye in them so they can see how fast my stomach empties. I'll eat the eggs then wait. They will check my progress every hour to hour and a half. Overall it'll take about four hours. One last doctor I'll have to see is the GI doc. He will be the one to decide if I have to have the Nissen stomach wrap surgery to prevent acid reflux. This will be a laproscopic surgery and I'll have to stay in the hospital about three days. I don't know if I'll have to have this surgery or not, but most likely I will. One of the previous tests showed I have acid reflux, soooo I'll likely have the surgery, dang! Oh well, I won't let any of this discourage me. I am feeling great and my new lungs are working great. With all the little things that have gone wrong and other problems that will have to be addressed (stomach wrap), I am still so Thankful to God that I have been given this precious gift of life.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
What A Long Day
Today started off with a clinic visit to get labwork, xray, and pfts. This took about 1 1/2 hours. Then me and Philip grabbed a bite to eat and afterward he took me to the fitness center. After I finished there at 3:30, it was back to the clinic to see the dr. My appt. was at 4:00. The nurse informed me that my doctor was running behind and it would be closer to 5:00 before she could see me. Well, at 5:30 I got called back and into a room. When I finally got finished with the doctor, we made it "home" at 7:30. I have never been in a doctor's office till 7pm. It was like a ghost town on our way out the door, lol. Now, here is what was found out from that doctor visit. I have fluid around my left lung AGAIN! They are going to schedule another tap they call it to drain the fluid off. Doc also wants a bronch next week to make sure it isn't rejection causing the fluid. The fluid taken off before did not show any rejection, praise the Lord! Hopefully, this is just me being one of the "unlucky ones" that this happens to sometimes. As long as it's not rejection, I can deal with it. Dr. told me also that she may put me in the hospital and treat it as rejection to get it to stop. No definate on that yet. Another thing is the fluid pocket, it isn't getting any better even with the vacuum pump on it. It is draining just as much today as it did when they first hooked up the pump. The plan now is for my doctor to discuss it with the surgeon to see if there is another alternative. That is all of the bad news. The good news is that I got part of my staples taken out today and all my stitches from the chest tubes. Part of the staples were left because the skin hasn't healed as much as the doctor would like. There is still quite a bit of scabbing that isn't ready to come off. Also, even though my xray today showed fluid around my lung, they are clear of any fungus or pseudomonas (this is a bacteria I had in my old lungs for most of my life and it is still in my sinuses which threatens my new lungs.) So far my new lungs are in great shape and clear of any "bugs" and I plan to keep it that way!!!! I am so blessed to be able to continue to live and to live being able to take a deep breathe of fresh air. God is Awesome! Love To All!
Monday, August 16, 2010
Still Here
I guess you are all wondering what's been going on with me. Since getting out of the hospital, nothing exciting has been happening. Well, maybe that isn't exactly true. I had fluid around my left lung and had to have a thorocentisis(sp.) which is a procedure where they put a catheter in your back and drain the fluid out. This is done with a local aesthetic to numb the area which made me a little nervous, but it wasn't as bad as getting a picc line in my opinion. Lets see, I had to see an ear, nose, and throat doctor to make sure there wasn't anything unusual going on in there. Luckily everything was good. I also have had to deal with the nurse coming three times a week to change the dressing on the fluid pocket. Don't get me wrong I like my nurse, she's awesome! As far as everything with my body, my lungs are doing great! I've finally been able to go to the fitness center consecutively and I can feel myself getting stronger. That's about all that's been going on, except for the weekly clinic visits. I feel blessed everyday that I wake up and can breathe without oxygen and being a slave to the nebulizers. I have not been discouraged about the setbacks I have encountered. It is just bumps in the road of my journey. I'll be back soon with an update from my latest clinic visit this week to find out if anything has changed with me. Love To All!
Monday, August 9, 2010
I Miss My Baby Dog
I looked at pictures of my Doberman, Diamond today and just started crying. I don't really know why because she is staying with a friend and is being taken care of. I just miss her. I havent' seen her since the beginning of May. She may not even remember me anymore when I get home. We've had her since she was 6wks old. She has never known anyone to take care of her but me and Philip. She's old now. She was 10yrs old back on Aprul 3rd. When I got sick, I felt so guilty because I wasn't able to go outside with her because of the heat. She doesn't do well inside because she wants to sit in my lap like she did when she was a puppy, lol. She does sleep in the house at night. She has "Diamond's House". Most of her life my daily ritual was to go outside with her and brush her, pet her, just love on her. She expected it and would bark this high pitched bark that would indicate to me "come outside mama". As time went on and I didn't go outside anymore she finally stopped expecting me. I was feeling like a failure to my family. Not only Diamond, but the rest of my family. I wasn't able to contribute anything, not even to our family pet. When we get home I am planning on getting her back. I think Philip was planning on giving her away permenately, but I just can't do it. I'm the only mama she's ever known and she loves me more than herself for sure. I can't abandon her. She's my baby! I'll be able to take care of her again and we can even start an exercise ritual now that I can breathe! I Love My Diamond Girl and I can't wait to see her! I know this has nothing to do with how I am physically, but I just had her on my mind and needed to vent. Thanks for listening.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Nocturnal Thoughts
Saturday I got the vacuum pump applied to the fluid pocket and it's no big deal. I just hope it works and I don't have to have surgery. I slept most of the day because Friday night they were in and out seemed like every 10 minutes. Surprisingly, I wasn't very hungry today because I can get pretty grouchy when I'm hungry. They wouldn't let me eat in case I had the surgery. Well around 3pm this afternoon, they decided on the vacuum so no surgery, I could eat! I wanted a salad and Philip went and got me one. It was so good. I napped again after eating and now it's after 2am and I'm awake! I'll have my sleep pattern all messed up when I get out of here. I hope I get out of here tomorrow, but I'm not counting on it being the weekend. Oh well, it'll happen soon and Thank Goodness my lungs are doing great! I think I'll try to go back to sleep now. More updates later.......... Love To All!
Friday, August 6, 2010
What A Weekend
This isn't a happy post because I am in the hospital as I type this. After all my running around this week (see previous post) I still end up in the joint. I have a fluid filled pocket on my right groin area. The reason it's there is because my heart stopped when they put me under anethesia so they had to do some kind of catheter in my groin up to my heart to get it beating again. Thank goodness it was successful. The dr. explained that possibly one of the lymph vessels got cut during the catherter placement and instead of it repairing itself, it decided to fill the space from the inscision with fluid. It didn't drain for quite a while, then Wednedsay is started draining out, bad! I went to the clinic and they put guaze and tape over it and I went on my way. The next day, I went to drain it down again and it ruputured and fluid sprayed across the floor. It's nasty I know, but it shocked me. It didn't hurt, thankfully. Well, I had more appts. on Friday so I showed it to the dr. and that's when they decided I needed to be admitted. One dr said surgery and the other wanted to try this vacuum machine that keeps the pocket compressed and any fluid will be drained out. The bad news is, it could take up to a couple weeks for it to work and if it doesn't work then I'll have to have surgery anyway. Geez! I can't get a break, but I'm thankful that my lungs are doing great! I can deal with the minor problems as long as my breathers are doing good. Love to all!
What A Week!
TGIF! This week has been sooo busy. Let me recap, Monday was my first Bronchoscopy. This is where they sedate you and run a camera up your nose or through your mouth into your lungs and they take a biopsy of the lungs to check for rejection. Afterwards, I couldn't go to rehab because of the sedation. Tuesday as you can read from my previous post, was clinic day. On top of medication adjustments, I have fluid aroung my lungs, and I have a fluid filled pocket on my groin that I have had since I got out of the hospital and will probably have to have a drain tube put in to make it go away and stay away. I also had to have a CT scan of my sinuses on Tuesday. I did not go to rehab Tuesday either. Wednedsay, I actually made a full day of rehab and no other appointments, except for the nurse that comes to give me one of my anti-rejection iv's but she comes later in the afternoon. I finally got to relax a little. Thursday was another rat race. It started out with an appt. at the clinic at 9:30 to get a tube stuffed up my nose to do a 24 hr recording of my stomach acid to see if I have acid reflux, yuk! It's uncomfortable and I'm thankful it is only for 24 hrs. Then we grabbed a bite to eat and headed to rehab. When I exited the car and we were walking to the building, I noticed my pants leg was wet. Well, turned out the fluid filled pocket had run out of room so it started to drain. Thank goodness it was clear liquid, but still nasty. I had called my transplant coordinator the night before about the fluid pocket and she called me back while still at the fitness center and said to go to clinic and let my doctor look at it, so off we went. I didn't get any rehab in Thursday either. One day of rehab this week will be it! If every week was as busy with appointments as this week, I would go Awol on this place. Geez! Today, Friday, I've got an ultrasound of my left arm because it is swollen still and since I've had blood clot in the past in that arm, my dr. wants to rule it out. First thing I'm doing before the ultrasound is getting this tube removed from nose! Yay! Then at 3:00pm I have to go to the hospital and have the fluid removed from around my lungs, not looking forward to that one, but I gotta do what I gotta do. Anyway, no time for rehab today either. I hope next week is a better week.
pulmo rehab,
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Post Op Visit #3
I had my 3rd post op clinic yesterday and it basically took ALL day. First it's labwork, then xray, then pft's. Afterwards there was a gap between the labs and seeing the doctor, like 4 hours. Me and Philip went and got some lunch and we went to visit a friend of ours from the rehab program, Judy. She got her transplant last Thursday and she is doing great. I still have these darn staples in and found out they will stay in a total of 6 wks. I found out I have some fluid around my lungs. This is nothing to be alarmed about, it is probably from the trauma my body has gone through. The Dr. is going to schedule to get it drained off sometime this week. What fun. Other than that, my labs and pfts were good. I'll update more later.
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