Sunday, June 20, 2010

Not For Racing

Gotta love the electric cart at Walmart. Today was my first experience in one. It was nice to not have to walk around the store, but that thing is mighty slow. I understand it has to be in order to keep from running over other shoppers, but it doesn't make it any easier when I'm sitting in the seat wanting to do a Fred Flintstone with my foot to speed it up. Geez! I almost took out a display of shorts hanging at the end of an aisle when I put it in reverse and the handle bar caught a pair of shorts as I backed up. It was almost ugly, but I saw it in time and was able to avoid a total teardown of the whole display area. Thank goodness I learned how to drive the thing after that. Anyways, it was nice not to have to exert my energy walking around the store. I may just use one next time I'm in there too. I used to be self conscious about people seeing me with O2 on. Now, I don't worry about anything but breathing. When you can't breathe, nothing else matters.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe those things need a learner's permit! You made me laugh!
