Tuesday, August 17, 2010

What A Long Day

Today started off with a clinic visit to get labwork, xray, and pfts. This took about 1 1/2 hours. Then me and Philip grabbed a bite to eat and afterward he took me to the fitness center. After I finished there at 3:30, it was back to the clinic to see the dr. My appt. was at 4:00. The nurse informed me that my doctor was running behind and it would be closer to 5:00 before she could see me. Well, at 5:30 I got called back and into a room. When I finally got finished with the doctor, we made it "home" at 7:30. I have never been in a doctor's office till 7pm. It was like a ghost town on our way out the door, lol. Now, here is what was found out from that doctor visit. I have fluid around my left lung AGAIN! They are going to schedule another tap they call it to drain the fluid off. Doc also wants a bronch next week to make sure it isn't rejection causing the fluid. The fluid taken off before did not show any rejection, praise the Lord! Hopefully, this is just me being one of the "unlucky ones" that this happens to sometimes. As long as it's not rejection, I can deal with it. Dr. told me also that she may put me in the hospital and treat it as rejection to get it to stop. No definate on that yet. Another thing is the fluid pocket, it isn't getting any better even with the vacuum pump on it. It is draining just as much today as it did when they first hooked up the pump. The plan now is for my doctor to discuss it with the surgeon to see if there is another alternative. That is all of the bad news. The good news is that I got part of my staples taken out today and all my stitches from the chest tubes. Part of the staples were left because the skin hasn't healed as much as the doctor would like. There is still quite a bit of scabbing that isn't ready to come off. Also, even though my xray today showed fluid around my lung, they are clear of any fungus or pseudomonas (this is a bacteria I had in my old lungs for most of my life and it is still in my sinuses which threatens my new lungs.) So far my new lungs are in great shape and clear of any "bugs" and I plan to keep it that way!!!! I am so blessed to be able to continue to live and to live being able to take a deep breathe of fresh air. God is Awesome! Love To All!


  1. Hi Pam,
    Wow, that is a long day! Glad to hear that things are going well, your lungs are great and the bad bugs are all clear. I hope those fluids resolve themselves soon! I got my chest tube sutures out today too, and it sure feels good, doesn't it?

    My thoughts and prayers are with you as you continue your recovery. You're doing great, keep it up!

    All the best,

  2. Go Pam. Hope that fluid thing stops soon!!!
