Sunday, September 5, 2010

Nice Long Weekend With No Surgery

I was supposed to be in the hospital today recovering from my stomach wrap surgery. Turns out Friday when we went to the clinic to do the pre-op screening, we were actually supposed to be at the hospital. We arrived at the clinic at 7:30am and found out we were supposed to be at the hospital at 5:30am. Apparently, the surgeon's secretary tried to call me, but the number she had was our home number in Mississippi. I know the hospital has my cell phone number, good grief! So the surgery was cancelled and re-scheduled for next Friday. At least I got the pre-op done so I'll just go straight to the hospital.

I decided to ditch rehab Friday. I was so aggravated having to wait another week that I just wasn't in the mood. The rest of Friday through today has been a great down time, although I have been walking around the hotel at least a mile so it's not like I have been a total couch potato. I still want to exercise my breathers. I'll graduate from rehab next week. I have completed 20 of the 23 sessions so Tues., Weds., and Thurs., will complete my mandatory sessions. I'll still have to go to rehab, but I will have more freedom to exercise in the order of each station that I choose. I was hoping to be home by sometime in October, but with the surgery scheduled for Sep. 10th and recovery will take 6 wks; I don't know when I'll get home.

I'm just taking it one day at a time and am concentrating on getting stronger every day. I hope everyone has a Great Labor Day! Love To All.


  1. Hey Pam, I was sry to hear about the surgery! Back in 2008, I was supposed to have sinus surgery and it got cancelled because my dr. had meningitis and was in the hospital that morning! I was so pissed

  2. Hi Pam,

    You have been through a lot! I'm sorry about more surgery, but it must be another blessing that things got messed up. Keep your faith. You certainly are doing such a super job with everything. Stay positive. Your going home very soon.
