Monday, June 7, 2010

Finally Headed East To Duke

We will finally be heading to North Carolina Tuesday, as soon as I get discharged from the hospital, maybe by lunch? Let me tell you what's been happening the past five days. Nothing but planning for an event that totally fell through today. Ugh! I'm so tired of waiting. The doctors at UMC, where I am currently, can't wait to get me out the door. The Dr.'s at Duke don't want me to come by car, but won't pay to fly me over there. My insurance won't pay for me to fly by air ambulance unless there are lungs waiting on me when I get there. It is so frustrating to know that me and hubby could have traveled over the weekend and be at the hospital ready to go first thing this morning. I was supposed to be flown, but after the air service heard that the Dr.'s wanted me to have fly with a critical air team, they dropped me. They didn't want to be liable for me. I realize I'm sick, but come on I think the Dr.'s were getting carried away thinking I need a team of people to fly with me. I mean I am sick, but I'm not THAT sick. My CF nurse was going to fly with me, but apparently just one wasn't enough. We are now back to square one, which is driving to Duke. I will get there eventually. I'll look back at this post and laugh thinking "It was so worth it, lol". I'm ready to get my new breathers. Bring on the road trip!


  1. Wow! That is pure craziness! I believe our sue-happy society is to blame for so many medical decisions. Sorry your transportation was a victim of it. Glad you got there so the good docs can whip you into shape :)
