Thursday, June 17, 2010


I had a bad day today. As soon as I got up this morning I knew it wasn't going to be a good day. When I'm huffing and puffing to get to the bathroom, it isn't a good sign. It seem to take forever to get my morning things done to get ready to go to physical therapy at 12:30. By the time I got ready to go I was so tired I just wanted to go back to bed. I figured I was already up and made it this far, I might as well try. I almost ditched it, but I'm not a quitter. I at least had to try. I made it through the whole session. It was tough, but the therapists knew I wasn't feeling well today so they kept a close eye on me. I was slow, but steady. After therapy was over, Philip came to pick me up as usual and we went back to the hotel room. I crashed for a couple hours under the Bipap machine. When I got up from my nap I had about six 8oz cups of water before bed. I had already drank at least 16oz earlier today. I'm making sure I have enough water in my system from now on and maybe I won't have trouble again, like I've had today. We tend to not think of how important something as simple as water is to our body until it doesn't have enough. I may be up going to the bathroom tonight, but if I feel better in the morning because of it I can handle it. I will make it. I am determined!


  1. I love how determined you are--keep going cyster, you can do this!

  2. I had a lot of mornings like that pre-tx, its hard to get moving to make it to rehab. Sorry I wasn't around to help ya!
