Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Can't Breathe

It makes it difficult for me to make a clinic appt. when I'm not at my usual clinic. I've been having trouble with my breathing since the weekend. Today I almost ditched rehab, but I decided to give my best shot. I called the clinic and got an appt. for tomorrow morning. I don't want to go into the hospital, but I don't see me getting better any other way. Whatever it takes to be able to breathe what little I can I'll have to do it. I felt so bad yesterday at rehab I was praying my phone would ring with the call to get me out of there. It's times like these that I really miss home. My doctor and nurse would have had me come into clinic the same day I called. My mom and dad would be there to take care of me. Philip is doing a great job here with me, but when you're sick you just want your mommie. I just keep holding on and focusing on the big picture and looking forward to returning home a new person. This too shall pass.


  1. It shall pass, yes! I miss you Pam but I know you're doing all you can to get those lungs! So glad your friend was here this weekend to keep you company!

  2. Hang in there, Pam!!! Once you have your new lungs, you will look back and say it was worth it. I know you are homesick, but you are in our thoughts and prayers. God is with you and your family. Love ya!!! SS

  3. That must be hard getting used to the pattern of a different clinic...especially when you're sending up a white flag and the response is slow. Praying harder for your lungs now!

  4. We KNOW how homesick you are, and we know what's it like to visit a new clinic. Getting to know everybody all over again especially when you don't feel your best is challenging. Just know that you are not alone; there are others sharing your experience & praying for you & your health.
