Saturday, June 12, 2010

Out Of The Hospital

Oh wow, I got out of the hospital yesterday and slept soooo good last night! I feel like a new person today. I got discharged around 4 yesterday. The day was spent doing more tests. One test I did was the 6 minute walk. This doesn't sound difficult, but when you have a set of bad lungs it can feel like a marathon. I did really well. I pushed myself and that is what the Dr.s want to see. I am determined to do everything expected of me, even the pulmonary rehab. I have never been to pulmo rehab and I hear it is intense at Duke, but I'm up for the challenge. I used to enjoy exercising so I'm sure I'll still be alive at the end of the day. I couldn't believe how exhausted I was last night when we got settled into the hotel. My legs were weak and I just wanted to sleep and this was just from the testing in the hospital. After being in the hospital for the past 6 wks I've got a lot of work to do to get my strength back. Today I am going to enjoy freedom and peace and quiet. No alarms going off, nobody taking vital signs, no labwork, no tests, just me and the hum of my oxygen concentrator.
I am staying in the same hotel as a friend of mine, who had her surgery in April, and is still recovering. She is recovering well with her new lungs, if only her meds could get adjusted so she wouldn't have so many side affects. It's all part of the trade off I suppose. Thank Goodness us CFers are tough going into this battle. Hang in there Jess!
Please say a prayer for a fellow CFer that got "The Call" this morning for her miracle. She has waited long enough. I pray this is her day!!!
I'm going to drink coffee and lounge on the sofa for a while. Ahhh, enjoy the weekend because next week pulmo bootcamp starts, lol! Lord Give Me Strength!


  1. Hi Pam,
    I'm glad to hear that you made the journey to Duke alright. It's a big decision to move tx centres, but you gotta go where they have lungs! I still can't believe that you guys ended up driving yourselves!

    Take care,

  2. Yay! You're going to do great because you're so determined!
